This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Tien Nguyen
In this tutorial, I will show you how to build a React Redux Hooks + Axios example by a CRUD Application to consume Rest API.
Full Article:
Overview of React Hooks Redux CRUD example
We will build a React Redux Tutorial Application with Rest API calls in that:
- Each Tutorial has id, title, description, published status.
- We can create, retrieve, update, delete Tutorials.
- There is a Search bar for finding Tutorials by title.
Here are screenshots of our React Redux CRUD Application.
- Create a Tutorial:
- Retrieve all Tutorials:
- Click on Edit button to update a Tutorial:
On this Page, you can:
- change status to Published using Publish button
- delete the item using Delete button
- update the item details with Update button
- Search Tutorials by title:
- Check Redux State with Dev-tool:
This React Client consumes the following Web API:
Methods | Urls | Actions |
POST | /api/tutorials | create new Tutorial |
GET | /api/tutorials | retrieve all Tutorials |
GET | /api/tutorials/:id | retrieve a Tutorial by :id
PUT | /api/tutorials/:id | update a Tutorial by :id
DELETE | /api/tutorials/:id | delete a Tutorial by :id
DELETE | /api/tutorials | delete all Tutorials |
GET | /api/tutorials?title=[keyword] | find all Tutorials which title contains keyword
You can find step by step to build a Server like this in one of these posts:
- Express, Sequelize & MySQL
- Express, Sequelize & PostgreSQL
- Express & MongoDb
- Spring Boot & MySQL
- Spring Boot & PostgreSQL
- Spring Boot & MongoDB
- Spring Boot & H2
- Spring Boot & Cassandra
- Django & MySQL
- Django & PostgreSQL
- Django & MongoDB
React Hooks Redux CRUD Component Diagram with Router & Axios
Now look at the React components that we're gonna implement:
– The App
component is a container with React Router
. It has navbar
that links to routes paths.
– Three pages that dispatch actions to Redux Thunk Middleware
which uses TutorialDataService
to call Rest API:
gets and displays Tutorials. -
has form for editing Tutorial's details based on:id
. -
has form for submission new Tutorial.
– TutorialDataService
uses axios
to make HTTP requests and receive responses.
React Hooks + Redux with API example
This diagram shows how Redux elements work in our React Hooks Application:
We're gonna create Redux store
for storing tutorials
data. Other React Components will work with the Store via dispatching an action
or getting value using React-Redux Hooks API.
The reducer
will take the action and return new state
- React 17/16
- react-redux 7.2.3
- redux 4.0.5
- redux-thunk 2.3.0
- react-router-dom 5.2.0
- axios 0.21.1
- bootstrap 4
Project Structure
I'm gonna explain it briefly.
package.json contains main modules:
. -
is the container that hasRouter
& navbar. - There are 3 pages:
. - http-common.js initializes axios with HTTP base Url and headers.
has methods for sending HTTP requests to the Apis. - .env configures port for this React CRUD App.
About Redux elements that we're gonna use:
- actions folder contains the action creator (tutorials.js for CRUD operations and searching).
- reducers folder contains the reducer (tutorials.js) which updates the application state corresponding to dispatched action.
For step by step and Github, please visit:
Further Reading
- React Hooks: JWT Authentication (without Redux) example
- React Hooks + Redux: JWT Authentication example
Related Posts:
- React CRUD example with Axios and Web API (using React Components)
- React Hooks File Upload example with Axios & Progress Bar
- React Table example: CRUD App | react-table 7
Serverless with Firebase:
- React + Spring Boot + MySQL: CRUD example
- React + Spring Boot + PostgreSQL: CRUD example
- React + Spring Boot + MongoDB: CRUD example
- React + Node.js + Express + MySQL: CRUD example
- React Redux + Node.js + Express + MySQL: CRUD example
- React + Node.js + Express + PostgreSQL example
- React + Node.js + Express + MongoDB example
- React + Django + Rest Framework example
This content originally appeared on DEV Community and was authored by Tien Nguyen

Tien Nguyen | Sciencx (2021-04-07T04:23:42+00:00) React Hooks + Redux: CRUD example with Axios and Rest API. Retrieved from
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